Maine Cancer Patient Provided 90+ Free Flights to Boston


Please take a moment to read about Dwight’s healthcare journey requiring him to travel from Ashland, ME to Boston, MA for specialized treatment for a rare form of blood cancer.

A little more than 5 years ago, Dwight received the news that he has a rare form of blood cancer called “Myelodysplastic Syndrome”. His medical team in Maine highly recommended he receive treatment at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston for the best chances of survival.

Learning not only that you have a rare form of blood cancer, but also be told that your best chances of survival is nearly 400 hundreds miles away can also be life-altering as well. Both Dwight and his wife, Candy, immediately worried how they would travel such a distance given Candy herself was facing a health crisis and was unable to drive long distance. Then a friend told them about Angel Flight NE’s free air transportation services and their despair quickly turned to relief and hope immediately after their first call to our Mission/Flight Coordination Team.

Candy, Dwight’s wife, recently shared the following note: 
“Everyone at Angel Flight NE has meant the world to my husband and me!  When Dwight was first diagnosed with a blood cancer back in the Spring of 2018, a panic button was immediately activated. We faced a HUGE transportation burden because we live in northern Maine, and my vision for driving is extremely limited. Thankfully Angel Flight NE was right there to help us from our first call asking for assistance. Your support and caring helped us navigate through this difficult and challenging journey. We have been blessed to meet 28 amazing, compassionate volunteer pilots and numerous “Earth Angels” over the course of our 5 year journey. Your mission coordination team has gone out of their way to accommodate our every need and assure us that they are here for us as long and as often as we need your help. Not having to worry about how we would get to Boston and back has been a gift that we will never take for granted. Everyone at your organization has been compassionate, patient, flexible, and loyal folks that are there for us. A special thanks to  Angel Flight NE’s mission/flight coordinators – Georgie & Jonathan/ As well as Earth Angel, Rod F. Each person from Angel Flight NE has been amazing!”

We are able to transform patients’ lives – like Dwight and Candy’s  – who need to access life-saving medical care with the amazing support of our compassionate, giving volunteer pilots along with the generous support of our commercial aviation partners and charitable foundations, like the Maine Cancer Foundation who has partnered with Angel Flight NE by providing us with a grant to ensure distance is never an obstacle for Maine residents in need of specialized cancer care and treatment.

As with all of our patients, Dwight, Candy and their family will always have a place in our heart and will remain a part of the Angel Flight NE extended family. We continually assure them that we are here during Dwight’s healthcare journey for as long and as often as he needs our assistance to access the vital care and treatment he needs.

Mission/Flight requests – like Dwight’s – happen daily and we are privileged to have the opportunity to not only fly but deeply care for all who turn to us for help at difficult times in their lives.  We are here for him for as long and as often as he needs our help and to ensure the best possible outcome. Please keep Dwight and Candy along with all of our patients in your thoughts and prayers.

We are proudly celebrating our 27th year of service having scheduled over 108,000 flights for patients who have traveled  more than 15 million miles to 750+ medical facilities throughout the United States since our founding in 1996.

Thank You and God Bless You for your support and belief in our healing mission.

With your help, we can ensure that distance is never an obstacle for patients, like Dwight and the thousands of others we assist yearly.

Warmest regards,
Fr. Larry & the AFNE Staff

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